Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Just so you know.....

The truth should be likened to A Face..... no matter the make-up you use to cover up the real image; you still can't truly hide it.... Cover it up all you want; twist it; do whatever.... It's Nothing but the Truth If it's the truth.....


While Chatting with one of my Pastors recently; She mentioned something 'Freedom is the hardest thing for anyone to handle'... For days, I pondered on this and I came to the conclusion.... 'Freedom can sometimes be a Punishment'... Not to jump into any form of conclusion..... But; think about it..... Then; make a comment.

People push you a lot with their words... they push you to your limit and you just want to scream.... sit them down and get some info into their heads.... but sometimes; you can't get an access to those people.... So, I thought 'What could be the best way to handle such people' and while I was thinking about them.... I realized 'I didnt use to care about those people... what happened to me?? Ignoring them was my defense mechanism.... ' Maybe that's what I need to do; Ignore them.... Make them rant; talk.... say whatever; believe whatever!! It's not my concern.....

Competition isn't my thing.... I don't think have ever been into such... Of course; I always strive to be the best at everything am into....but competitiveness.... isn't just it. When you are in a competition.... This is what happens; You wish any form of ill-luck for the other people... You lose focus on the purpose of life or whatever and you focus on just being ahead.... You lose yourself and the person you really are.... and at the end of the day; You just can't recognize yourself anymore. The Problem Now is 'Everything i.e School, relationships, fashion....etc.... IS now turned to a competitive race'..... Life used to be way easier when there was no point to compete but you believed deep in your heart that you are the Best there is.... Noone else matters.

While holding on to the wrong things,.... you lose track of the right ones.... Yorubas would say 'bi a ba diju ki eni buruku koja,titi ti eni rere ma fi koja,a ko ni mo'... i.e...  Maybe it's time to stop focusing on the wrong things and focus on what's right.... what is useful for the future and dump everything not useful.....

Disclaimer: If you made it to my blog; I want to believe you are a friend! Otherwise.... your opinion, your view or your thoughts doesn't matter. This IS MY BLOG SPOT!!!! If you can't deal with the content of a coffin; you shouldn't open it. Somethings shall remain mysteries not understood by ordinary minds